Eligibility for Filing a Personal Injury Claim

A personal injury claim includes but isn’t limited to covering medical bills, loss of wages, loss of property, and even the pain and suffering caused by this injury. You will need to be clear on a few things first:

  • Was another person at fault for your injury?
  • Have you been able to collect the insurance information from the party at fault? (Even if you haven’t you should  still reach out to a lawyer so they can seek out the appropriate information)
  • Has the statute of limitations expired?  (A law that limits the amount of time you have to file a legal claim from the date of the accident)
  • Was the accident at work? If so, is your employer immune from personal injury liability? (This is typical with generally hazardous jobs)
  • Was a third party at fault for the accident? A manufacturer? A building owner?  A contractor? An organization?
  • Is this injury keeping you from working?
  • Is this injury causing you unnecessary physical/mental pain and suffering?
  • What state did the injury occur?

Even if you’re not sure about some of these questions, you shouldn’t have to go through this ordeal alone, which is why it’s the best option to reach out to a personal injury lawyer within your state to assess the situation. Personal injury lawyers must be licensed within the state of the accident, and will ultimately be the best source of information on your injury claim.  For example, did you know the statute of limitations in some states can reach up to six years while in others, it only lasts up to a year? A personal injury lawyer will know what damages you are entitled to within your state that pertain to your particular case and give you the best chance of obtaining justice for your accident.

How Personal Injury Lawyers in Your State Can Help

Things happen in life, and personal injury lawyers are there to run damage control and help you make a full recovery. Personal injury lawyers will speak to the insurance companies, law enforcement, and other parties involved on your behalf.  Additionally, they’ll be there to defend your case in court should it escalate to that point. Lastly, personal injury lawyers will help you with your claim at no cost unless you win.

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When to Contact a Personal Injury Attorney

It’s best to reach out to a personal injury lawyer immediately after the accident to make sure the appropriate measures are taken, and your legal rights are protected. Otherwise, the negligent party can assert the statute of limitations as a defense to liability. Many people have been able to turn an incredibly unfortunate circumstance into a positive outcome, and even make opportunities from their compensation. Get the help you need, and don’t delay reaching out to a personal injury lawyer in your state if you’ve been in a negligent accident of any kind.

Do you want to learn more?

What Should I Do After An Accident?
  • Stay at the scene, but get out of the way of traffic.
  • Check yourself and others involved for injuries.
  • Call an ambulance if anyone is injured.
  • Report the accident to the police.
  • Document the scene by taking photos, as well as notes on the circumstances of the accident.
  • Exchange insurance information with other drivers.
  • Record the make, model, color and license plate number of the other vehicles.
  • Do not leave the scene until the police say it is okay.
How Long Will Settling My Medical Bills Take?

Every case has its own timeline and process, and each case is unique, so there is no one answer. Your case may be able to be settled in a matter of weeks or months, or it may drag on for several years in the courts before it is resolved.

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